

“Digital Nomad Visa”

“how to get it”

The digital nomad visa is within the category Visitor Type V with the name “Visa V Digital Nomads” with a validity of up to 2 years, it is allowed to make applications for beneficiaries of the principal holder.

The Digital Nomad Visa Type – V is a new lifestyle in Colombia, it is already a reality, the growing change in the dynamics of work is causing many people to work abroad and wish to live in the country.

Being a digital nomad is one of the best ideas when we talk about lifestyle, the new work paradigm or what are the professions of the future.

Foreign citizens who work for foreign companies but live freely in Colombia, this type of visa is ideal for them to enjoy the benefits of this wonderful country.

¿How to apply for your Digital Nomad visa in Colombia?

There are different options that you can evaluate if your goal is to become a digital nomad in Colombia::

  • In the first place, digital nomads are people who have work or commercial ties with companies abroad and who wish to offer their services remotely to their clients living in Colombia.
  • Youtubers, Tiktokers Intagramers or people who monetize and receive their income through any social network can also apply for a digital nomad visa.
  • You can be a partner or co-owner of a company abroad and from Colombia conduct and supervise your business.
  • For digital entrepreneurs, demonstrate what type of venture or digital solution you develop to be taken into account by the Colombian government in obtaining a visa (development of applications or web pages) working on your own.

The Nomad visa is designed to provide remote work or telecommuting services, from the Colombian territory, online, exclusively for foreign companies or ventures abroad, as a freelancer, independent or labor linked, or to start a web venture, mobile applications, digital development, programming in computer technologies and artificial intelligence.

Being a digital nomad in Colombia means having the ability to work remotely while traveling and exploring different regions.

It is the perfect time to work remotely and be a digital nomad. This country is embracing this trend with very attractive programs. Today the Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers this type of visa, for those who want to live in cosmopolitan cities, in the mountains or on paradisiacal beaches.

The Digital Nomad Visa allows its main holder to apply for a visa for beneficiaries, that is, for the following family members as long as they are economic dependents of the main visa holder: spouse or permanent partner; children up to 25 years of age, or a child with a physical or mental disability.

Colombia’s digital nomad visa is one of the newest, it grants a 2 year residency permit, today it has very competitive requirements in fact, it is one of the visas that requires showing comparatively less income.

If you can justify a continuous monthly income of over 800 dollars (about 3,000 million Colombian pesos).

In addition to that, there are other requirements that are managed along the way, such as a criminal record certificate, passport, international medical insurance, among other standards.

¿What it is to be a Digital Nomad?

A digital nomad is a person who works through the Internet and/or sells his or her knowledge to other people or companies from anywhere in the world. These workers are called “nomads”, since working remotely they have control of their time, freedom of movement and location so they can live while traveling.

Colombia already offers the Digital Nomad visa, the country understands that the creation of this type of visa is a way to attract foreign talent as well as contribute to the country’s economy.

Specific requirements Digital Nomad Visa:

  • Hold a passport with a minimum validity of 6 months prior to its expiration, issued by any of the countries or territories exempt from short stay visa, according to Resolution.
  • Photograph on a white background, without glasses or lenses, with your face uncovered, with your hair tied back.
  • Letter (labor certification from abroad), issued by one or more foreign companies for which the applicant foreign citizen currently provides services, indicating the type of labor relationship and remuneration received in a foreign bank account.
  • Or prove that he/she is a partner, shareholder or co-owner of a foreign company.
  • Demonstrate by means of bank statements to have a minimum income equivalent to three (3) Minimum Legal Monthly Wages in Force (SMLMV) during the last 3 months.
  • International Medical Insurance, (international policy with coverage for the Colombian territory) against all risks with a coverage amount not less than 30.000 Usd, in case of loss of passport, accident, illness, maternity, disability, hospitalization, death or repatriation, for a period of one year.

Validity: Up to two (2) years.

Beneficiaries: Application is allowed for beneficiaries of the principal holder (children and spouse).

Restrictions: This visa does not allow to work or develop remunerated activity with legal or natural person domiciled in Colombia.

¿How much does the Digital Nomad visa cost in Colombia?

  • The Digital Nomad visa study (type V) has a value of 52 dollars.
  • Once approved the expedition has a value of 252 dollars.


  • Translation Legalization and apostille of the documents required for your visa application.
  • Elaboration and structuring of all the necessary documents for the visa application, guaranteeing that it will be granted quickly.
  • Registration of Alien Registration Card.
  • We follow up on your immigration process.Contact us and we will provide you with complete and detailed immigration information regarding your situation.

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